Riri's Brain Hole

Riri's Brain Hole

TW - Toxic Relationships

Poetry - Our Weeds

You planted weeds into our garden.
I watched you do it.
Your fingers carefully placing each seed into the dirt,
Careful not to disturb the soil we had spent so long nurturing.
We both knew what would happen,
Yet we still waited for them to bloom.
How naive.
Did we think they'd grow into a bouquet?
But we still waited,
Hoping something would happen other than eventual wilting.
But we waited
And we waited.
Then I waited.
And they spread.
Now my garden is full of weeds.
And where are you to help?
I helped dig the soil
I held your hand as the seeds were laid to rest
But now you're gone.
What did I expect?
He was the one planting the weeds.


This poem was written about a toxic relationship, and how the signs aren't always obvious until you look back on it after the relationship has ended. Though I have my own interpretation of some parts, I will not be stating that, as I want people to have their own interpretation of it.